These are subtle signs that you’re texting an Autistic Woman.

Can you spot autism in women from text messages? Well, kind of, communication style and subject matter may giveaway.

Shamus Hart
2 min readFeb 5, 2023
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

My background is UX, communications and behavioural design. So I pick up some interesting bits about behaviour and how people use tech through digital projects.

As an autistic professional, this was a fascinating question someone posed to me. Though I can pick autistic behaviours in people, does this translate to digital? Would it be possible for me to pick someone autistic via their text?

With time on dating apps and dealing with tech teams with both genders, the answer is yes. It’s because autistics rarely mask when chatting via communications tools, it’s what we’re apt at. We’re better at this mode, as there is less social decoding.

It may be a pattern, but it’s not conclusive by any means. But, by no means use this as a diagnostic tool. This is neither a diagnostic tool nor something to out anyone. This is more an insight into communication patterns, with the intention that you can encourage or be kind to someone who faces adversity (such as social communication).

The signs



Shamus Hart

Design, philosophy, psychology and neurodiversity. Please help me hit my goal of 1K followers. #actuallyautistic